The school year begins

Academic year 23/24 is slowly beginning and next Tuesday (26.09) I will have to present my project idea. I only have five minutes for this!

While the bad news was being delivered to me, I made this drawing of Marko Kraljević, the greatest hero of our poetry! It’s not very technical but it was super enjoyable to make, given that it started as a doodle and I managed to maintain that looseness all the way to the end. This isn’t a scan, merely a picture from my phone ran through a shitty scanning app, so apologies if some detail is missing. Hope you like it!

Марко Краљевић рони сузе крваве (Own work, pencil, ink pen, and brush, 2023).

The task has also provided an opportunity, something I should turn into a habit - to reformat and simplify the idea of the work and share it with someone. Webs of diverse knowledge, multiple concepts connected into a tapestry, a vision of the final product; these are things that coexist in my mind without issue, brewing like the ingredients of a soup. Following the analogy, this is a moment to take a teaspoon of the mixture and give it to someone else to taste. Students AND teachers in fact.

It is simple to explain that what I’m making is a TTRPG inspired by Serbian epic poetry. In fact, this is the tagline of most of my posts where I share a link to the blog. But the problem is that both of these relatively niche things have to be explained in about 150 seconds each!

I’ve decided to devote a few slides to the term TTRPG, a few to the poems, and a few to my artistic practice. In this last part I will also try to explain why this combination is interesting from an artistic and academic standpoint. If I’m really lucky and very fast, I might be able to squeeze in a mention of the political nature of the material.

In short, a lot of my work will have to be simply announced rather than explained in really any measure of detail. I still think this is a great moment as it allows me to try to elevator-pitch or whatever you call that.

Let you know how it went next week!


MECHANICS (part two)


Scenarios (part three of three) Casing the Warehouse